在雲林縣 北港鎮的職缺
- Outlier Ai台灣Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve... AI models by providing human...
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Job Post Details
- 合約
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Math Expert who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models?
About the opportunity:
- Outlier is looking for talented Math Experts to help train generative artificial intelligence models
- This freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you
You may contribute your expertise by…
- Assessing the factuality and relevance of domain-specific text produced by AI models
- Crafting and answering questions related to Math
- Evaluating and ranking domain-specific responses generated by AI models
Examples of desirable expertise:
- A bachelor's or higher degree in Math or a related subject
- Experience working as a Math professional
- Ability to write clearly about concepts related to Math in fluent English and Taiwanese
- Currently, pay rates for core project work by Math experts range from $19.5 to $50 USD per hour
- Rates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
PLEASE NOTE: We collect, retain and use personal data for our professional business purposes, including notifying you of opportunities that may be of interest and sharing with our affiliates. We limit the personal data we collect to that which we believe is appropriate and necessary to manage applicants’ needs, provide our services, and comply with applicable laws. Any information we collect in connection with your application will be treated in accordance with the Outlier Privacy Policy and our internal policies and programs designed to protect personal data.
This is a 1099 contract opportunity on the Outlier.ai platform. Because this is a freelance opportunity, we do not offer internships, sponsorship, or employment. You must be authorized to work in your country of residence. If you are an international student, you may be able to sign up for Outlier if you are on a visa. You should contact your tax and/or immigration advisor with specific questions regarding your circumstances.